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Sexual Addiction Counseling

Sexual Addiction Shame Cycle

Sexual Addiction Shame Cycle Sexual addiction produces a cycle of shame that can be difficult to break and often adds to the sex addicts reasons for returning to the sexual behaviors. I have witnessed many men that have worked on healing the underlying wounds only to be caught back up in the cycle of the…

Signs of Love Addiction

Love Addiction consists of three components: Romance, Relationship and Sexual Addiction. Signs and Characteristics of Love Addiction: Lack of nurturing and attention when young Feeling isolated, detached from parents and family Compartmentalization of relationships from other areas of life Outer facade of “having it all together” to hide internal disintegration Mistake intensity for intimacy (drama…

What Is Sexual Addiction?

Sex addicts use sex in the same way an alcoholic uses alcohol.  Sex is used to numb and medicate feelings and escape from the painful aspects of their lives.  The sexual experience becomes mood altering and in time becomes central to the sex addict’s life. It is important to understand that addiction is a “solution”…

How To Recovery From Pornography Addiction

Recovery from Porn Addiction Here are some basic steps to overcoming a porn addiction: 1. Admit to yourself and to someone else that you have problem.  Also admit that you cannot stop on your own.  This maybe the most difficult step for men struggling with pornography: to admit that you cannot stop on your own….